Dear Grade Three Parents,

Today is National Indigenous Peoples Day.  We watched a new Northern Lights acknowledgement of the land that featured pictures of how we are doing our part for truth and reconciliation throughout the school year.

We read a couple stories.  The one below talked about sharing one's gift.  During our sharing circle outside, students shared what their gift to the world is. Ask me what I shared.


June 26 - PJ Day

June 27 - Play day is next Thursday

Dress for the weather and bring a water bottle. Students may come with sunscreen on but teachers will not be helping apply it here at school. On Play Day, Freezies are being provided. PARENTS THAT DO NOT WANT THEIR CHILD TO HAVE ONE MUST EMAIL THEIR CLASSROOM TEACHER and can send an alternative treat for their child to enjoy that day. 

              - Last day of classes (early dismissal)


Grade Threes


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