Dear Grade Three Parents,

For our math talk this morning, we interpreted this graph.  Ask me what I see and what I learned.
We introduced a new money station to math to have extra practice counting a variety of coins.

Ask me what we did in music today.

For Maker Space, groups were challenged to design a plow to be taped to the Robot Mouse. We only started so will continue another day.

We reviewed push and pull forces.

Ask me about Contact Forces (applied, friction, tension and elastic).  
Each table group had different focus fidgets to draw and label which forces they thought each one showed.
See if I can explain at least one of the tools and which force or forces is showed.


Purdy's fundraiser orders were handed out.

December 19 – Festive Sweater Day

December 20 – ‘Dress to Impress’ Day (Wear your best ‘Family Celebration’ outfit)

December 21 –  PJ Day

                          Healthy Hunger Kernels treat

December 22 – Dress in Your Grade Team Colours (Red for Kindergarten, Orange for Grade One, Yellow for Grade Two, Green for Grade Three, Blue for Grade Four and Purple for Grade Five)

Winter Break begins from Dec. 23 until Jan. 7. Students' first day back is Monday, January 8, 2024.


Grade Threes


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