Today for pumpkin math, students used non-standard units to measure how tall their table group pumpkin was.  Ask your child what tool they used to measure.
Students estimated the mass of their pumpkin and used a scale to record the weight in grams.

With all of the snow, gym has been in the classroom. Ask your child what catching games we did with dice and with a ball.

We made a graph of the types of jack o'lantern faces we wanted for our class pumpkin.  Ask your child what the results showed and what design was chosen to carve tomorrow.

We added to our table group pumpkin sketch by adding labels.  See if I know the parts of the pumpkin.

A different pumpkin was cut in half to show the cross-section of the inside of a pumpkin.


  • Class and individual photos were handed out.  Deadline to order packages is Oct. 31.
  • October 26 – Healthy Hunger Kernels Popcorn Snack for those who ordered
  • Students will be given the opportunity to scoop out seeds from our class pumpkin and to try roasted pumpkin seeds.  If you do not want your child to participate because of an allergy or reaction to touching the inside of a pumpkin, please let your child's teacher know.
  • If your child cannot access Google Classroom from home, please e-mail their teacher for their CBE e-mail and password.  They must log into their Google account first before accessing our Google Classroom.
  • October 27 (9:10-10:05 a.m.) and 30, November 1 and 2 (1:20-2:15 p.m.) – Alien Inline for Ms. Sato's class. Students should have dry socks for this.  Having their own helmet that fits their head makes things easier.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Students will be participating in their regular gym classes outdoors for the entire month of October to accommodate Alien Inline in the gymnasium. 
  • Please dress for the weather
  • October 31 – Spirit Day: Black and Orange Day – Halloween
  • Please send a maximum of two fall photos to Mrs. Brinson ( by Nov. 2 if interested in being part of a fall video she is putting together.  Please see the e-mail she sent to parents on Oct. 6 for ideas. The same e-mail explained what is acceptable for Halloween costumes at NLS.


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